
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Foilicious juicy chicken and herbs that leaves you thirsty @ KFC

I got the new Foilicious chicken which is chicken marinated with herbs, wrapped in foil and baked.
There is two pieces of chicken per portion which is fixed.
Anyway I got one to try and the foil pack was placed neatly in a plastic box with lid.
When I peeled the foil, I could smell the herbs and its appearance reminded me of roast chicken.
The herbs smelt like rosemary.
It would be good if they served roasted potatoes too.
A real roast dinner.
Not sure if I was lucky today, but the chicken was really soft and juicy.
But I will try it again in future to see if the juicyness is consistent.
As with all KFC, it is loaded with MSG which is guaranteed to leave you feeling thirsty.

MSG levels: Strong, expect to get thirsty!
Service: OK
Yummy factor: Good and juicy

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