
Friday, March 30, 2012

It's waffling good @ Green Waffle Diner

It's name is intriging, green waffles?? It turns out the green waffles are made with Pandan.

I assumed it was a place for waffles, but they also do meals too.

It is located nicely, a few doors away from the ABC hangout Berrygood, and now there is a sandwich place next to it as well.

There were so many things to choose from, so opted for two mains and a waffle at the end.
As I wanted to try the green waffle, I opted for the chicken meal which had 3 drumsticks, coleslaw and mash with gravy,
Actually I ordered it because of the mash and gravy.
The other dish ordered was the pit beef sandwich.

Chicken meal:
When it came, it was just chicken and fries, so I asked the waitress where the mash was, and she said they made a mistake, so they gave me the mash and gravy later on.
Despite that, the drumsticks were huge and juicy.
I felt that it was a lighter version of KFC, not so salty and strong on the MSG.
The quality is as good as UK's PFC, where the coating is light and crunchy.
Each drumstick was equal in size and shape, not like some of the deformed drumsticks at KFC.
The coleslaw was also like a bland version of KFC's but not sweet.
Finally the mash and gravy which I ordered this dish primarily for was so delicious, it was very buttery but not to the sickly extent.
There were lumps of potato in it, which gave it some potato taste, and the gravy was nice and strong.

Pit beef sandwich:
This was nicely presented with thinly sliced roast beef and cheese sauce on top.
The beef was freshly roasted beef.

Lastly ordered a "plain green waffle" which the waitress repeated, but when it came it was the plain one, so I said "shouldnt the waffle be green" and so she took it away and came back with a green one a while later.
Since the table opposite also asked for a green waffle, she asked them again to confirm if it was green one they wanted to ensure they got the right one too.
Finally it came, the texture was just right, crunchy on the outside and soft inside, however I was slighty disspointed as I couldnt smell or taste any pandan.

Overall the service is ok, however I think they could offer a glass of water when people sit down, considering its the scorching summer and most of Central is uphill.
They provided water when asked, and there was a slight lemon taste in it, so I reckon they had a jug of water with lemons in it, probably for customers, so why don't they offer it before people ask.

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