
Friday, March 30, 2012

Maxim's snowy mooncakes 2010

Since the snowy mooncakes were introduced, they have much improved,
the earlier ones didnt have so many flavours, and they were overly sweet.
Most were made with mung bean paste which was nasty.

I chose black forest and apple pie crunch after checking they did not contain mung bean paste.

There are two apple ones, fuji apple crunch and the apple pie crunch,

The product shot of the apple pie crunch appears to be brown and chocolately in the middle however when it was cut open, it was just sandy brown.
The apple pie crunch was a bit too sweet and strong in cinammon, I wish there were more bits of apple in it too.

The blackforest tasted nicer, with berry filling in the centre.

Overall the mooncakes are ok, but the full list of flavours are not listed on their website.
I am a bit surprised in this technological generation, their website it not fully up to date with the latest promotions, this was not the first case I couldnt find their lastest products, last time i tried to look up their new tea drink from MX, it wasnt on their website either.

Anyway, since the website was not very up to date, I decided to take a picture of the flavours, because their crappy leaflet dosnt list all the flavours either.

I was told no photos were allowed, but this is stupid, they obviously do not want more people to know about their products.
pdt shot of blackforest + apple pie crunch
pdt shot of blackforest + apple pie crunch
Apple pie crunch
Apple pie crunch

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