
Friday, March 30, 2012

Potato balls @ 臺北站

Yes Taipei is for drinks, but I came here for potato balls.

Not many places serve fried potato balls, the one that does is in the New Territories called Breadman, but its too far away.

I like potato balls because of the light outer crunch and starchy potato filling inside if its fried just right.

Here they offer many sauces to go with it:
Wasabi mayonnaise, ketchup, mushroom and herb sauce, cheese, sour cream,

I chose cheese and wasabi mayonnaise.
The cheese was nice, but it wasnt cheese sauce, so it went hard after it had cooled, otherwise it tasted good as it was cheddar cheese.
The wasabi mayonnaise didnt taste that nice, I think the wasabi spolt it.
Next time I will choose mushroom sauce, but you need to ask them what the sauces are, as the English translation and Chinese menu are a bit different.

Apart from spud snacks, they have fried mussels, scallops and squids, the scallop and squid sound ok, but trying to imagine how a fried mussel would taste~

The bad thing about this place, there is no where to indulge the food, it is people, trafflc, smokers everywhere.
It is hot enough already, and they have four spotlights in broad daylight to grill you!!
buses, cars, pedestrians and smokers
buses, cars, pedestrians and smokers
Lights in daylight that GRILL U~!
Lights in daylight that GRILL U~!

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