
Friday, March 30, 2012

Tiny roasted birds anyone @ 廣東燒味茶餐廳

I am quite surprised that no one has written about this place, its been here for quite a while.

In a way, this shop is located on a street full of bus stops, so people are either walking along this road, waiting or getting off buses like a train station.

When I went in there, it felt like some place where people were waiting, most of the patrons were mandarin speaking, maybe it is related to the "Guangdong" part of the name or the food.

For food, one of their roast combinations is quite unique, that when I saw a picture of it from another branch, I imediately knew it was from this place.

Also those tiny honey roasted yellow flower birds (蜜燒禾花雀), are served here, which dont seem to served elsewhere.

The roast set I got contained crispy roast suckling pig, chinese red sausages, honey roasted chicken wing and salted egg.
The whole combination was so good that even for a picky person like me, there was nothing that I didnt like in that set.

Basically the stars of this dish are meant to be the in house roast suckling pig and chicken wings, and for the red sausages and salted egg, they cant really go wrong as they are sourced from food suppliers.

The roast suckling pig had an even layer of meat and fat, and most importantly the skin was crispy.
The red sausages were slightly dry, but still tasted nice, and the chicken wings were slightly hard but manageable to eat and rest tasted how it should.
The roast set cost $40 which is slightly more expensive than other places.

Also tried the tiny birds merely because they looked cute.

At that size the giblets were probably still in there, so I tore off the tiny legs and upper torso, and it tasted quite nice, although there were some little bones.
I also tried eating a whole one including the gibles, and it had a slight bitterness to it, tasted like a chinese wax sausage, with a crispy tough exterior skin and soft insides bursting out!

The sauce for the pork was runny, and could have been fresher, as it tasted a bit sour.

Then I tried the chicken livers, this was slightly below average because they didnt taste fresh and were rather hard, over roasted and burnt.

As for the soup, it tasted a little strange. The chinese dishes are ok.

Overall the restaurant is ok, but feels like China, and the person at the pay desk could have been nicer. With this attitude, it turns away potential customers.

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