
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

To love Indonesian food with passion

I have always wanted to try this place but I hardly go to Mong Kok and it was also on the 14th floor which was scary for me.

I just feel trapped being so high up and because there are so many restaurants on that building it would be scary if there was a fire.
The lift journey also scares me too because it goes up slowly and I am so scard of the cables snapping.
But when you see the surroundings its quite relaxing so you forget where you are. I was invited to try their dishes in January but I never got round to it until recently.
Since then I found out that they serve Melemen which is a Turkish dish of Scrambled eggs, a dish I wanted to try at I love Istanbul as well.
As well as that I was attracted by their menu because there were so many items with Pandan as well as avocado desserts and milkshake.
There was one particular dish that puts people off by the name which was Stinky beans and prawns but I came here especially for it because I like trying new things and I was curious how it would smell.

Basically they wanted people to try the dishes anonymously so it would be a fair review as they do not know who is trying their dishes until they ask for the bill and disclose themselves that they were invited.
I was intending to try the desserts because I love avocado and pandan but on my first attempt I could not find it.
I found it on a second visit to Mong Kok and since I did not have dinner I ordered the mains as well.

Anyway sat down and the owner gave me some fish crackers which looks like uncooked noodles.
If you have been to Indonesian snack shops you would have seen them before.
The fish crackers were really light and will not fill you up, the fish taste was really strong. Ordered Melemen, Sambal goreng udang Petai and Avocado sundae + icecream.

They had a few choices for rice but I chose plain rice because I wanted to taste the scrambled eggs and stinky beans.
As shown on the menu, the rice was free. As well as that, the fruits are also free and according to the previous reviews I really like the way they serve exotic fruits and not boring apples and oranges. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Melemen I have always wanted to try this and I am glad I did not have to walk over to I love Instanbul and here they also serve the Turkish aubergines with yogurt too!
The scrambled egg was really nice, there was lots of herb but the herbs were not that strong.
The owner told me all the herbs that was used in this dish but I could only taste the black pepper, onions and tomato.
Sambal goreng udang Petai When it came you could smell strong shiitake mushrooms which is was interesting, the stinky beans actually costs more than the prawns even though the prawns look big and expensive.
The beans were lightly cooked locking in the rich vitamins and amino acids.
When these beans are eaten fresh there is no foul smell and the prawns were amazing especially the prawn head and it was also cooked with tiny dried shrimps to enhance the prawn flavouring even more.
The beans and prawns were cooked in a spicy sauce which is really spicy but if it got too hot they gave you iced cucumbers to sooth the spicyness. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Avocado sundae + icecream I love avocado and apukat and this had apukat at the bottom so I picked this one.
The texture of the icecream was really nice, it was similar to Turkish ice-cream which is really elastic and there were bursts of ice in it which was really nice.
As well as avocado it was topped with walnuts as well.
Tamarind icecream This was interesting because I have never tried Tamarind ice-cream or the real fruit but I know Tamarind is a tangy fruit.
The icecream was refreshing because it was slightly sour. They should also make a Sorbet version too because Sorbets are refreshing.
In UK we call it Sorbet (pronounced the French way Sore bay) however the Americans call it Sherbet hence the reason why the people in Hong Kong didnt know what I was talking about until I mentioned Sherbet, but on Wiki it is actually listed as Sorbet.
For desserts I really wish they did Pandan ice-cream as well because the other Pandan items need to be ordered in advance but icecreams can be refrigerated for a long time and served any time.
It would be really good if they had a Pandan sundae with Pandan icecream, Klepon and small pieces of banana and pandan cake in it and even Jackfruit ice-cream!
It would be fun if they had jackfruit ice-cream served with a piece of real jackfruit and same with Tamarind because not many people have seen the fruit before or reuse the tamarind pod and use that as a dish to hold the tamarind ice-cream or part of the pod as decoration because I dont know how big the pod is.
But next time I will remember to order in advance for the Pandan cake and try the Klepon as well.

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