
Monday, December 17, 2012

Dining in a man made Hokkaido alcove

I was attracted to this place because of the sitting arrangements in the cozy alcoves, while it gave privacy it was not that private because some of the alcoves where directly facing each other.

The alcoves had three sizes: alcoves for one person, alcoves for two people and alcoves for groups of four to six people.

The alcoves were nice but they could have been more extravagant with the design because they just looked like partitioned rooms.

Anyway the menu and style is similar to Watami and you order by pressing the button and someone will come over to take your order.

Bean curd cream cheese salad:
The cream cheese cubes reminded me of feta cheese and the beancurd and cream cheese were quite nice together, however the texture of the tofu were really soft compared to the cream cheese.
The salad came with a generous bowl of soy sauce which was sufficient for the salad.
Minced chicken meat skewer:
For the skewers you can choose grilled with salt or cheese, so chose the cheese.
The minced chicken was quite nice but not hot enough and the cheese on top was not really melted.
Baked potato with wasabi octopus:
The potato they used was a hard potato and not a starchy one. The skin was not hard on the outside.
The wasabi filling was very strong and salty and the octopus pieces were chopped up finely.
Hokkaido Takikomi Gohan in Pot - Tonkotsu Miso pork roast:
The rice was boiled infront of you with a timer. Slightly scary with that portable stove in the tiny alcove because the person at the inner seat would have difficulty getting out if it caught fire and there were no sprinklers inside the alcove.
However they did put metal casing around the fire to prevent this.
The miso pork rice was quite nice but not flavoured enough, the occaisional pieces of pickled ginger made the rice taste nice.
Sweet potato and black sugar ice cream:
I tried this because of the sweet potato croquettes. If you do not like ice-cream, the sweet potato croquettes can be ordered a la carte as a tempura.
The ice-cream was really icy and not creamy, but the sweetness was just right and the black sugar syrup balanced out the flavourless icecream.
The sweet potato croquettes were also nice too and not too sweet, the croquettes were not too starchy either.
The receipt they give you was quite useful because it states the average cost per person so if you are going in a group the cost per person is worked out on the receipt and you do not need to work it out.

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