
Monday, December 17, 2012

Sticky toffee pudding icecream @ Lab Made

When Lab Made first opened they had Sticky Toffee pudding at that time which I missed.

I have been trying their new flavours everytime they changed their menu in which some were new flavours and some were repeated.

They finally repeated the Sticky Toffee pudding during the 9th to the 21st October so I was able to try it finally.

They also had super lemon meringue which I have tried, and the other two were Oreo and Mango and pineapple yoghurt.
For halloween they had: muddy graveyard (chocolate and oreo), bloodbath (strawberry cheesecake), lemon and ribena yogurt and baileys.

I hope there will be some more interesting and fun flavours coming up.

Sticky toffee pudding icecream:
As I expected it was delicious, there were pieces of sticky toffee sponge amongst the ice-cream.
It basically tastes like melted thick cream with pieces of sticky toffee sponge and the sweetness was just right.

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