
Friday, January 11, 2013

Marinated pork trotters @ Original Taste

I don't know why, but the pork trotters looked good in the product shot so I decided to get them.
When I ordered the pork trotters she asked if I wanted the marinated ones or the ones in wine, so I ordered the marinated ones.
While I was waiting I had a look at the wine snacks and I will probably get the chicken gristles in wine next time.

Marinated pork trotters:
The pork trotters were piping hot.
I liked the way the trotters had been cut cleanly and had straight edges.
The bones had plenty of bone marrow inside the bone too.
The texture of the pork trotters were not too soft and tasted quite nice, however I prefer the vinegar marinade because it got a bit sickly after eating two pieces.

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