
Friday, January 11, 2013

VeggieSF = Veggies are SO FUN

There are not many good vegetarian places in Hong Kong these days because the food that they serve are not healthy!

I am not a vegetarian but sometimes vegetarian food is nice and does not have that awful smell that unfresh meat has and there is no oil or fat.
But saying this, some Vegetarian foods are really oily and too sweet such as those Chinese style sweet and sour tofu skins and curry skins, heavily deep fried battered mashed taro.

When I saw the corraline salad I decided to come here for it because not many places seems to serve it.
I have tried the coralline drink before but it was just like drinking jelly.

I also liked this place because it is decorated like old San Franciso! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Coralline salad: The coralline was harder than I imagined, they were really hard and the texture was exactly like chicken feet tendons. The sauce was refreshing but there was dill herbs in it which I did not like.
I would have liked it if they could be served softer, but I am not sure if they are natrually like that, but with algae/seaweeds/kelp you can soak them longer.
Salt and pepper tofu: The tofu was delicious and soft inside but the sauce was too sweet for my liking so I did not use it.
I used ketchup instead which tasted much better and the ketchup there is nice and sour. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Nuggets: The nuggets were nice and substantial but the coating was a little to burnt for my liking.
Pomegranite tea: Quite a thirst quencher.
Mysterious salad: Again there was dill in this which I did not like, but overall the salad was quite nice with sweet dried cranberries.
However the portion was slightly too small.
The prices were slightly pricey but eating vegetarian dishes in Hong Kong is as expensive as eating meat!

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