
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chinese custard bun / Black forest ice cream

Went back for more icecream at Lab Made because the flavours were worth trying and you cannot try them elsewhere.

I tried the Hong Kong custard bun and the other was Black Forest for Valentines.
Hong Kong custard bun:
I really enjoyed this one because there was real starchy egg yolk in the icecream just like their previous mooncake flavour that had lotus paste in it as well.
The taste was lovely and buttery as well.
Black Forest:
According to their FB, it has three scoops so that two people can share.

Anyway, as I did'nt ask about the price, I roughly estimated it to be around $90 because for the single scoop it costs around 3X - 4X.
When I got there, I found out that it only costed $69 which was cheaper than my estimate.
Overall, I felt that the chocolate icecream taste was more prominent than the cherries and jelly.
I would have liked it more if they had pieces of chocolate cake in it and more cherry sauce as it tasted nice at the bottom because all the sauce had sunk there.
The lovely cherry and jelly sauce that they put in the icecream.
Labmade secret idiot proof formula/instructions behind the counter:

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