
Friday, March 29, 2013

Back for more Eastern delights

Shop: 京川滬風味小食坊 (Prince Edward)

Since my last visit, the tiny joint has expanded from a 6 seat shop to a slightly bigger joint.

Ribs in sauce:
They provide you with gloves and a bag for the bones.
I have tried this before but this time the meat was not that soft and it did not come off the bones easily.

Pearl rice dumplings:
These were minced pork balls covered in moist soft glutinous rice.
They are exactly like Shanghai dumplings but covered in glutinous rice.
The glutinous rice on the outside was really soft and moist it reminded me of wrapped glutinous rice.
Anyway, they taste really nice after you dip them with the magic chili bean sauce provided on the table.

Beancurd sheets with kelp:
The beancurd sheets and kelp were well seasoned with vinegar but the beancurd sheets could have been softer.


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