
Friday, April 05, 2013

Easter Chocolate Garden @ Lab Made

These days I go to Lab Made because of the funky flavours and not because of the Nitrogen gimmick

Easter Chocolate Garden:I was looking forward to this flavour because it was packed with goodies, it was chocolate icecream with hazelnuts topped with mint cake crumbs topped with colourful candies.
The icecream mixture was already pre-mixed so all they had to do was freeze it into icecream.

After the icecream was made it was topped with delicious mint cake crumbs and candies.

The final product.

Usually they come in scoops but to put the toppings on, they had to flatten it.
The icecream was delicious, it had chunks of hazelnuts in it and the candies were giving it an extra crunch too.
The mint cake crumbs were delicious as well but the mint taste was not that strong which was good because not everyone likes mint.

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