
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Main St. Deli for downtown food

Main St. Deli
Lower Lobby Level, The Langham Hong Kong, 8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

I have always wanted to go here but I got this restaurant confused withDuke's Deli because both were American style and the decor was similar when I saw the reviews.

I found out about the grilled cheese night from OpenRice which is available on wednesday nights only.

Every week I would attempt to go but when I remembered it would be thursday so I would have to wait the next week and by the time I remembered it would be too late and the cycle goes on!

Anyway I finally remembered this time and checked their website to see if it was still on. According to their website the Grilled cheese night is available until 30th April so I phoned Main Street Deli to make a reservation but they said the Grilled cheese night had finished last month (March).
I was quite confused so I just assumed the website was not update but anyway I submitted an online enquiry to ask if the Grilled Cheese night was still on and I got confirmation through email that it was still on so I booked again.

I read the reviews again to see the best items to eat and found a similar issue that the staff thought the promotion has ended.

Quoted from previous review by 輕雲: 餐廳好像沒有很積極的推廣Grilled Cheese Night這個主題,因為店員沒有主動把有關的菜單給我,其他食客也似乎沒有意識到這個主題的存在,只點了平常菜單供應的食物。這麼棒的主題和食物,店員怎麼不積極地讓更多客人知道呢?

When I arrived, I was greeted by a lovely glass cabinet of cakes which were huge, the sofa chairs were like a classier version of the ones at Ed's Diner (a retro-American style diner).
Sat down and browsed the menu.
I was planning to order an item from the grilled cheese menu and a burger from the a la carte menu.
The grilled cheese night set comes with a soup, grilled cheese solders and a sandwich.
The choice for the grilled cheese sets was quite good but I would have preferred if the set contained sandwiches with all the different cheeses so you can sample them all or at least two different cheeses.

There were six choices:
Croque Monsier: ham, gruyere, wilted spinach and mornay sauce
Provolone, cured italian meats, olive, tomato and basil pesto in sourdough
Cheddar cheese, shredded BBQ pork and caramelised onions
Brie, smoked pork loin, rocket and jalapeno Mozzarella, ripe tomatoes, basil and balsalmic syrup in Italian sesame oil
Swiss cheese, avocado, sauteed mushrooms and roasted red peppers on multigrain
Canadian bacon, stilton, and swiss cheese on light rye all served with roasted tomato bisque with grilled cheese soldiers.

As I am not really a meat eater I was choosing between the croque monsieur and the Canadian bacon and in the end I chose the Canadian bacon.

For the burgers, it was hard choosing between the cod cake burger and the vegetarian burger coated with Matzoh,
in the end I chose the cod cake burger.

Cod cake burger:

I was expecting the burger to be huge but it was gigantic!
It was a cod cake between a crispy maize muffin.

I felt that there was no coating so the cod cake was nearly 100% cod with potatoes and herbs so when it was cooked, the surface of the cod cake was directly cooked giving it a delicious crispy tasty surface.


Canadian bacon, Stilton, and Swiss cheese on light rye:

The sandwich was just delicious and the rye bread was fantastic because it had caraway seeds in it which gave it a distinct fragrant flavour and balanced out the heavyness of the bacon and cheese.
The Stilton in the sandwich was nice because it made it cheesier.
Tomato soup:

The soup was very sour but I loved it because the tomato taste was natrual and there was real tomato puree in it.
The taste was similar to eating canned plum tomatoes.
Cheese soldiers:

These were two pieces of toast with delicious melted cheese in the middle.

It would be great if they could offer a cheese soldier platter each with a different cheese inside so you could sample all the different cheeses.

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