
Monday, May 13, 2013

African paradise at Lan Kwai Fong

I have always wanted to go to Makumba but it was too much effort going to Peel Street.

Now it is brilliant that they have moved to LKF because I can finally try African food!

I tried to go during the day but it was not open so I went one evening myself because I could not wait!

The interior of this place is fascinating for someone new to the African culture.

I loved area on the corner.

The local TV series When Heaven Burns (Tinyueday) was filmed at their old location on Peel Street.

There is an area for live band performances too.

It was hard deciding what to eat because I wanted to eat EVERYTHING on the menu for one person!!

In the end I had the Fish Fricassee and the Okra soup.
Fish Fricassee:

This was a delicious fish filet marinated in lemon juice, cooked in lime leaves, tomatoes and onions.
Served with vegetables and rice.

The fish was lovely and soft but the lemon juice was not that prominent.
Okra soup:

This was okra with ox tail and I loved the sliminess of the okra which was delicious with the rice and fish.
It was spicy too but the spicyness was gentle.
There were two pieces of fried banana plantains which were delicious, I thought they were going to be sweet but they were slightly sour and appetizing.
Ginger drink:

Thanks to Amina for this amazing drink.
The ginger and pineapple juice were great together and the ginger was not too spicy and the tangyness of the pineapple was really appetizing.
While I was there, I met some people who were having the platter so I took a photo of it.
I really wanted to try that too especially the dip.
African platter:

I will definitely come back and try the rest and I cant wait till the operations are running smooth and try their lunches.

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