
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chirle Puddings fresh from Taiwan

Chirle Pudding (Mong Kok)

Chirle Pudding is a Taiwanese pudding from Taiwan.
They are now available in Hong Kong officially from the 29th at Ginza Plaza in Mong Kok.
You can now go and try them during 27th - 28th June while stocks last.

It was so nice of them to send me some to try before they launch them.

I have never been to Taiwan so I have never heard of them before.

There are lots of Taiwanese consumables you can get in Hong Kong but the logistics is getting better that smaller businesses can import more products over.
You can now get Sugar Rose nougats in Central too.

The packaging of this was nice, it was a bright yellow box containing nine egg puddings
If nine is too much, they also have boxes of four.

Each eggshell has been washed, cleaned and sterilised.

The puddings are flown over to Hong Kong each day.

The pudding are made with French milk, Taiwanese fresh eggs, and seeds from African vanilla pods.

How do they taste?
The taste was really nice and better than the local ones which were too sweet.
I love the vanilla seeds in the pudding and the texture was smooth and silky.
There was a good balance of egg and vanilla in the taste.

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