
Monday, June 10, 2013

Luxurious rice dumplings from Maxim's

Maxim's Palace Chinese Restaurant (Tai Koo)

Thanks to Maxim's for inviting me to their dumpling tasting and dumpling making event which I could not attend.

It was so nice of them to arrange some rice dumplings for me to try.

As you know I am not an expert on dumplings but I gathered there were two shapes: tetrahedral and cylindrical.

The shape of the rice dumplings range from being approximately tetrahedral in southern China to cylindrical in northern China. Wrapping the rice dumplings neatly is a skill that is passed down through families, as are the recipes. Making rice dumplings is traditionally a family event of which everyone helps out.

I was given four rice dumplings to try, two were tetrahedral shaped and the other two were cylindrical.
Tetrahedral rice dumpling flavours:
Rice dumpling with abalone and dried scallops
Rice dumpling with braised beef tendons
Cylindrical rice dumpling flavours:
Rice Dumpling with Chinese Ham and Chinese mushroom in Jiaxing Style
Hakka Style Squid Rice Dumpling

Evidently the two Tetrahedral ones tasted the best and are must buy flavours.
I was really excited about these dumplings I did not take photos of them before they were heated up.
Rice dumpling with abalone and dried scallops:

As you can see, there are generous pieces of scallop on the top of the dumpling.
The glutinous rice is distinct and each grain of rice is covered and flavoured with sauce.

The dumpling was filled with delicious ginko nuts, pork and a abalone.
Rice dumpling with braised beef tendons:

This was one similar to the abalone one but I felt that this one tasted even better because the sauce was stronger and richer.
There were delectable pieces of chestnuts in it too.

I loved the beef tendon which was big, soft and gelatinous.
Rice Dumpling with Chinese Ham and Chinese mushroom in Jiaxing Style:

The glutinous rice in this was much chewier.

Inside the dumpling there was a huge piece of lean meat and Chinese ham in it, there was salted egg yolk in it too.
Hakka Style Squid Rice Dumpling:

This was similar to the above but the taste of the glutinous rice was lighter
It had delicious squid, mushrooms, pork belly, chestnuts and peanuts in the middle.

The squid in this was the star of the dumpling because it gave it that ruralistic touch.

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