
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Jackeline's healthy private kitchen 健康私房菜

Jackeline is well known for her treatments on Acne, she is seen on TV commercials and adverts on buses.

I was invited to a Private Kitchen dinner promoting healthy food, before I got there I did not associate that Jackeline was indeed the famous Jackeline for treating Acne.

I was led there by fellow bloggers and we arrived at this industrial building opposite Tsuen Wan police station, it was when I saw the front of the place I realised it was the famous Jackeline.

We were greeted by Jackeline who is a sweet and friendly lady.

She is such a Charismatic lady who can cook healthy dishes as well.

Here is what we tried.

Lychee gin and tonic 荔枝琴通寧


Gin with fresh lychee and lemon.

Non alcoholic version:

To start off with, this drink was a lovely refreshment because it was light and bubbly, the best thing about it was that it was not sweetened so the sweetness is from the natrual lychees.




Salted tangerine and Momordica drink:

Although there is no picture, this was amazing too because it was unsweetened.




Pickled sweet carrots:

This was a nice appetizer to start off with.



Liver pate in crisp coating.

These cute morsels looking like chocolate truffles were delicious balls of chicken pate rolled in crisp cereal.

The taste was just divine!



Again a delicious oil free soup, but it was a bit hot that day to drink soup.



This was mixed grain rice which provides good roughage for the body, it was deliciously complemented by silky chicken liver pate which makes the grains of rice smoother when you eat it.



I love this this healthy mix of vegetables.


上湯金銀蛋南瓜苗: 南瓜苗由本地農場即日採摘,爽甜回甘,富有營養及食療價值。

This was my favourite because I rarely get a chance to try the pumpkin plant, the twines and leaves were delicious.



Delicious MSG free chicken!



The abalone was steamed with their homemade dried citrus peel.



The stir fried crab was deliciously done and tasted like professional dishes served in restaurants.



Although high in cholesterol it was delicious and the shell was edible too!



The Chinese mushrooms were delicious and extremely crispy that made a crispy noise when you ate them.



The sweet potato leaves are grown by Jackeline!!

They were tender and sweet.



Steamed papaya.



Chinese dumplings filled with mashed sweet potato, sea salt and condensed milk.

The filling was delicious and tasted like salted egg yolk.


Overall, the meal was really delicious HEALTHY, NON OILY meal that was flavoured just right~


Upcoming events:

There will be a cooking class by Jackeline promoting healthy skin and how eating to eat healthiliy on August the 2nd for couples who do not cook.

To attend email:

Maximum 24 guests, first come first served.


「Jackeline 健康私房菜大招募」

大招募目的:以美味私房菜帶出健康訊息,Jackeline 最常推介的保養皮膚方法,就是在日常食事之中,加入合適的養膚食材,在不知不覺間,達到美膚養顏的功效。

Jackeline 免費請你食飯外,更會即場示範方便、快捷、健康嘅烹調方法,讓「無飯」夫妻變「模範」夫妻




報名方法:將姓名、聯絡電話、電郵傳送電郵至 , 名額有限,先到先得。成功受邀者將於活動1星期前收到電郵及電話確定。


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