
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lovely private dining fit for celebrities

Amina Modern European (Tsim Sha Tsui)

Thanks to Amina Modern European restaurant for inviting me to this tasting.

Before I came, I did not realise it was a private kitchen so when we were walking down Cameron Road, we over shot it because I was looking for the commercial buildings.
This building requires an entry code access.

When I arrived at the restaurant, we had a really nice spacious private room.

I felt that this place is a really good place for celebrities to dine because it was truly private without windows.

We tried their monthly set menu and oysters from their bar.
Bread with aubergine puree:Started off with the bread and aubergine puree.
The aubergine puree reminded me of Mediterranean baba ganoush.
The oysters are from the US and the size of them were huge.
The oysters were opened nicely and did not have any shell fragments in it.
I like my oysters in natural form so I only applied lemon juice to it and the oyster was lovely and creamy.
STARTER: Crab pumpkin salad:
The colour of this was really nice and on top of it there was a poached quail's egg which was mega cute!
It must be hard poaching a quail egg because of its size.
The pumpkin salad was lovely and moist packed with crabmeat on a bed of delicious sprouts.
STARTER: Beef Tartar:
The beef tartar was nicely done it had finely chopped garlic, black pepper in it.
The cracker on top was extremely delicious and reminds me of a Ryvita.
For improvements I felt that the beef could have been minced more finely because the beef was still in long strips.
Seafood ink soup:
I was really looking forward to this soup because the ink soup I had at Naha did not bear much squid ink taste.
When it came, it was artfully decorated with white cream on top.
The soup tasted really nice because it tasted of fish as well as squid ink which was added when the soup was nearly done so that the taste is still there.
ENTREE: Foie gras, parma ham and hollandaise sauce:
The foie gras was thinly sliced and cooked evenly which was delicious with the parma ham and toast.
ENTREE: Crab cake:
Usually crab cakes are round but this one looked like a croquette.
It had fish roe on top which gave the crab cake more flavour.
ENTREE: Guava sorbet:
The sorbet was interesting because it is usually served for dessert. I believe it was there to act as a refresher and prepare you for the main course.
The guava was really strong you could smell it despite it was frozen and it had real guava in it because I could taste the grounded guava pips.
MAIN COURSE: Beef cheek braised in red wine:
I love beef cheeks because it is the most tender part of beef.
When I put my fork into it, it did not need any effort because it was so soft that you could use your fork to separate it!
The taste of this was delicious with rich red wine sauce and buttery mash beneath it.
MAIN COURSE: Chefs special – Scallops trio delight:
Each scallop was seared and topped with toppings, from left to right was dried prawn roe, caviar and carmelised scallop.
The size of these scallops were huge, they were slightly seared and still tender inside.
My favourite was the first because the prawn roe acted like salt with a prawny taste.
The carmelized one was good too because the caramel was glazed onto the scallops giving it a crispy texture.
Jasmine and osthmanthus tea:
I do not really drink floral teas but this was surprisingly nice because the osthmanthus was not that strong and the Jasmine balanced it out.
It was pretty with osthmanthus flowers floating on top.
The raspberry sorbet was really nice and refreshing, it was lovely and tart followed by the delicious macarons.

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