
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Great food but service that turns you away!

Metropolitan Cafe (Admiralty)

This cafe has been here for ages but it never appealed to me.
After curiously walking in one day the food looked quite decent so tried it.

The restaurant is very open and offers no privacy which is probably why there are less locals dining there.

You can see people coming into Pacific Place while curious locals peer in to see what your eating!

They serve pastas, salads panini and sandwiches.


For salads, you choose the salad base, then the ingredients and then the sauce.

The salad is very pricey and the woman who makes them is extremely rude and impatient.
She rushes you with your choices, and when you ask what sauces are available she blurts them out at an inaudible fast tone!

My favourite ingredients were the mandarin slices and the almonds.
The salad and ingredients are all uniformly covered in sauce because they mix it for you.
hot deli roasted beef:

Not as much gravy as the display item!
BBQ roast chicken:

Had the breast part of the chicken which was tender and juicy, the BBQ sauce that came with it was deliciously tangy and sweet.

The only let down was the pathetic plastic knife and fork which made it difficult to cut the chicken.
Pulled pork Panini:

The panini was huge, it was more like a pita bread sandwich.
It was filled with delicious melted cheese, kidney beans and pork.
Summer fruit punch:

This drink was so nice that I ordered another one but the second was not as good.
The second one was fizzier and tasted more like soda, whereas the first one had more juice and less soda.
Both were topped with delicious fruits such as grapes, watermelon, mandarin slices, blueberries and melon.

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