
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Two thirds but 100% natural

2/3 Dolci (Wan Chai)

Ever since I saw photos of the tiny decorative edible macaron on one of the cakes, I have always wanted to try it but when I came it was closed.
I was quite curious why this place was called 2/3 Dolci because there was something mathematical on Star Street because just down the road there is 1/5 Nuevo!


On my first visit, I was already full so I only bought the baby chiffon cakes which are shaped like mini Bundt cakes.

Baby chiffon cakes:

I got six for $32.
(see how cute the size is compared to a USB tip).
Raspberry (pink)
Maccha (green)
Hazelnut (beige)
All of these chiffon cakes were soft and delicious, the hazelnut one was the best followed by the raspberry.

Coincidentally when I got home, I realised I had received an invitation from 2/3 Dolci which is why I am writing this as a combined review.

A week later went to the tasting


Why is it called two thirds (2/3)?
This place is called 2/3 because 2/3 of their products are sweets with a touch of Italian and their products are 2/3 in size and sweetness of the original Italian recipe.

Their gelato is made using an old fashioned slow churning process which reduces air in the gelato thus requiring less articial flavours and heavy sugars to balance that.

Here are the flavours I tried:
Earl Grey (Left), Pistachio (Right)
There were grounded earl grey leaves in the gelato which gave it an extra depth of flavouring and the Pistachio gelato was just as nice as the cake version because the pistachio taste was strong.
The pistachio gelato was made with Sicilian pistachio nuts.

Peanut butter:
beneath the pistachio and earl grey, there was a scoop of peanut butter icecream.
I dislike peanut butter as a spread but as a gelato, the taste was gorgeous.
It was creamy with strong peanut butter taste without the sickly sweet taste that the spread has.

Guava (top), Chocolate (Bottom left)

The guava has a texture similar to sorbet and it was slightly gritty because of the grounded guava pips and the chocolate had a lovely rich cocao taste without being too sweet.
Overall, the gelatos were impressive because they were not too sweet.
Earl grey and pistachio are good picks.
La Via del Tè tea:

The tea that they serve here is from Italy available in 6 different flavours exclusively at 2/3 Dolci.
I had the Breakfast tea which went well with the gelato and cakes.
There is also coffee and Hot chocolate too.
The hot chocolate is called 1/3 Dolci and 2/3 Dolci Hot Chocolate – Made from French 56% and 64% chocolate chunks, two options of sweet and bitterness.
If you get a chance to see the chocolate chunks, the bigger ones look like Cadbury's chocolate buttons.
An 8-layered Guava cake alternating sponge cake, guava jelly, guava ganache, and guava mousse to create a very light and fresh cake. ($46)

As well as the guava gelato, the Guaiava cake was also made with real guava.
You can literally taste it in the guava paste laya.
It was slighly sweet for me, but they said they are currently modifying it.
“nocciola” – Triple Hazelnut Crunch Cake ($42)

You can just see how adorable the macaron is next to the hazelnut, it is just merely bigger than the radius of the hazelnut!!!

The stick in the middle attaching the macaron to the cake is made of edible chocolate too.
As well as the adorable appearance, the taste was delicious with intense hazelnut paste in the middle followed by a crunchy base surrounded by hazelnut mousse and sponge cake.
Apart from the hazelnut cake above, this was another striking cake.
I liked the surface constructed from 100% Italian pistachio cream huge cream droplets.

Inside the cake there is caramel cream within while the tart base is layered with pistachio sponge cake, custard cream and pistachio paste and chocolate film.

I enjoyed every bit of this cake because the pistachio taste is really intense without any other artificial flavours that you can taste the natural savouryness of the pistachio.
“rossoneri” – Raspberry Chocolate Cake ($42)
The name represents “red” and “black” as the raspberry and chocolate excite the palate with sweet and sour, fruity freshness and nutty bitterness.

I really appreciated the fresh raspberries on top, a rare luxury in Asia because most of the time they are frozen and the texture and taste is not as good as the fresh one.
They were sweet too.
I loved the dark chocolate base because it had a strong cocoa taste which tasted great with raspberry.
This cake is going to be popular with European tastebuds and berry lovers!
I can't wait to come back for more cakes because they are not too sweet and the size is just right so I can indulge more cakes in one go!
My favourite cakes so far are the Pistachio, raspberry and hazelnut.

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