
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cheese and trifle craving

Marks & Spencer Fresh Bakery (Wan Chai)

Had a really burning stomach because I just had some extremely spicy food so decided to sooth the irritation by having some strong fatty cheese.
(It works for me anyway, which is probably why you get soymilk in Shanghai cuisines to sooth the spicyness.)
English extra mature cheese:

I chose the extra mature cheddar because I wanted a really strong sharp tasting cheese.
The cheese had nice savoury and sharp tones.
It soothed my burning stomach nicely by forming a lining on my stomach.
Strawberry trifle:

There are two trifles at M&S, strawberry or fruit. On this visit I got the strawberry.
The strawberry trifle had strawberry fruit puree jelly at the bottom and deliciously thick custard in between with gorgeous whipped cream on top.
It was cooling and soothing as a dessert, especially the custard layer which was deliciously creamy.

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