
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quinary's magical journey of five senses

As you know I do not drink so what captivated me here?

Well it all started when I saw the latest review featuring three bottles filled with thick white liquid called the Marshmallow Duo.

Then I checked their website and found out they also had a non alcoholic mocktail that I could try too called the JAX SUMMER LOVE made with Jax's coconut water, pandan syrup and dessicated coconut.

On my first attempted visit, I went with a friend that drinks but when we got there it was fully booked.

A few days later I was in Central again, so decided to try the non alchoholic drink only.

This time it was fully booked again apart from the bar table.

I don't usually like sitting at the bar table because it feels a bit weird but surprisingly it was entertaining and fun at the Quinary.

Mocktail: coco jelly/ pandan syrup/Jax Coco water/coconut flakes

I knew I was going to like it because the drink was coconut water based.
It was a refreshing sweet drink with a hint of coconut but the pandan flavouring was too light, but too much of it would have been too sweet because it was pandan syrup.
The coconut flakes just acted like some pretty snowflakes floating on top.
Absolut Vanilla/ marshmallow milkshake/cream/ egg white/ grilled marshmallow/ aged Manhattan/

It was so nice of the guy to let me try some because I really wanted to try it.
When it came, I realised why it was called a Shot because of the size.
The bottle was about 4 inches tall and really cute like a mini glass cola bottle which I would'nt mind having!
The taste of this was dreamy, it was light foam milkshake with fine bubbles.
It had a gorgeous vanilla taste but as a non drinker, I would prefer less vodka because I found it too strong.
Wasabi redistilled Absolut Vodka:

The guy also gave me this to try and it reminded me of the Horse's head at The Blue Butcher which was a fun cocktail of gin infused with horseradish giving a moreish savoury taste with a mustard kick and egg white foam cap on top sprinkled with green tea powder.
When I tried the wasabi vodka, it was fierce~ because my lips were scorching.
Initally I thought it was the vodka, but then I realised it was the wasabi stinging on my lips!
Horse’s Head:
Wasabi redistilled Absolut Vodka/homemade bloody mary mix/ lemon & tomato juice/ up

The bloody mary was basically the wasabi vodka with tomato and lemon juice added to it.
The taste was much nicer with a sharp wasabi kick instead of the tabasco chili kick.
For fun tried some earl grey caviar that he had made for the Earl Grey Caviar martini.
It was earl grey liquid injected into a caviar mold.

After the droplets were immersed in calcified liquid, a membrane forms and turns into earl grey caviar.

I love the caviar and it had intense earl grey taste.

The earl grey caviar is made for the Earl Grey Caviar martini which is a concoction of:
Absolut Vodka/ elderflower syrup/apple juice/ Cointreau/lemon & lime/earl grey caviar & air/ up.

Anyway, I'll be back because they do snacks as well and the Mac and Cheese spoons sound interesting whatever that is.

The Quinary has certainly proved to be exciting for the five senses because they look, smell, taste, feel and sound good from start to finish!

If the owner had not appeared, I would not have known that Quinarystands for five and their meaning behind it.
Bar: Quinary
Address: 56-58 Hollywood Road

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