
Friday, November 22, 2013

Victory! Victorious food and no queue!

Sing Heung Yuen (Central)

Sing Heung Yuen is famous for their tomato broths, but never ending queues just like the the noodle place opposite are expected.

It is actually quite interesting that there are two famous joints opposite each other with equally long queues at the same time, so if you change your mind and decide to go to the one opposite you would have to queue all over again.

But saying that, the two joints serve totally different things, SHY serves noodles and sandwiches and the place opposite does curries and e-fu noodles.

Luckily there was no queue that day so I dined there even though I was not hungry.
It was a chance not to be missed because I tried going on a Saturday and it was closed when normally they open on Saturdays as well.

I was quite surprised that the staff there were really friendly and had a human touch!

Salted lemon drink:

The salted lemon came with sprite.
Before adding the sprite, I tried the salted lemon and it was nice because they did not add any nasty syrup to it.

As I do not like fizzy drinks, I added the tea that was in the plastic jugs on the table to it and it tasted amazing.
I could really taste the lemon and the sourness was really appetizing while the salt balanced the super sourness of the lemon.


I havent seen this drink reviewed yet or people have not bothered to review it.
The drink was called Mocha which was cool for a joint like this to come up with that name because it is usually called something else in Chinese joints.
The drink was really cute because they put super mini marshmallows in it which I thought were CFC balls/clotted milk at first!

I wish they had more mini marshmallows because it made the drink fun!

The drink just tasted of chocolate and coffee mixed together.
Instant noodles with beef in tomato broth:

The noodles were simply delicious owing to the tomatoes!
I think Hong Kong must be deprived of ingredients because it was just sour canned plum tomatoes which you can readily get at supermarkets in the UK.
I had these canned tomatoes for school dinners too!
Anyway, the noodles were really moreish because the tomatoes were soft and tangy without tomato skin.
Lemon and honey crispy bun:

I don't normally like these because of the butter and condensed milk, but here it's just simply Lemon juice and Honey on the bun!
The crispy bun was divine with the sweet honey but the lemon juice was not strong enough or uniformly distributed because on some parts I could not taste the lemon.
I'll will definitely be back if I happen to walk by and there is no queue again!

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