
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Affordable localized pastries and cakes

M18 (Lok Fu)

I happened to be in the area so went for a walk when I saw this bright illuminated bell so stopped by to have a look.

It appeared to be a bakery with a dine in section.

On the right of the entrance, there was a window where people can see the pastry chef decorating the pastries.

Inside, there were lots of pastries, some were in cabinets and some were exposed.

The cookies which cost $5 looked really nice and there were four flavours: tomato, ginger, caramel walnut, chocolate.
Each were topped with respective toppings, the caramel walnut one looked the best!

After asking the staff, found out that they are a branch of Maxims, hence the M in the name M18.
The 18 is probably a Chinese thing so that they get lucky.

In my opinion, the decor, range and prices were going to win people because it differentiates them from their usual boring Maxim's style and incorporates more European and Japanese influences in it.
It is a crossover between Maxim's & you cafe selling Arome bakery room style cakes and patisseries.

As well as that, the dine in selection looks good and cheap too.

The all day breakfast was the best deal for $36 which I saw people have and it looked decent with proper mushrooms and sausages as opposed to frankfurters and canned mushroom.

As I was full I could only try the cakes, and they both cost me $32.5 which is even cheaper than arome bakery room!
Cinammon apple danish $8.5:

In the middle of the apple danish, there was custard.

I found the danish pastry too thick and tough, the apple filling was too sweet and the cinammon was not strong enough.
Raspberry mille feuille $24:

There was also pineapple and strawberry mille feuille but I chose raspberry because you don't often see raspberry.
The layers of pastry were quite hard and flakey but it tasted ok and the custard filling was not too sweet with a reasonable vanilla taste in it.

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