
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Gastronomical feast at Madam Sixty Ate

Madam Sixty Ate (Wan Chai)
I have always wanted to dine at Madam Sixty Ate because it has eye catching artwork and loud decor.
I love the cute rabbit fur around the lights!

The portions are just right for ladies if they choose a three course but guys may have to go for a four course meal.

Here was what I tried:

Foie gras parfait, orange, gingerbread and butter nut squash soup:

A light creamy and buttery soup with heavenly silky foie gras parfait.
Cold smoked ocean trout, toasted quinoa, avocado and pickle

Another good place for Quinoa because a lot of places don't get the taste right and it ends up tasting tasteless, here is was crunchy with a bit of spice, and the salmon was paired gracefully with the avocado and pickle giving some green colour on the plate.
Baramundi, house made chorizo, torched baby prawn black garlic, fennel vermouth cream

This dish was interesting, their home made chorizo tasted like the Chinese preserved sausages and the squid was crispy!
Duck breast, house made black pudding, plum, black trompette mushrooms

The duck breast was very meaty and juicy while the black pudding paired the duck just like duck in blood sauce.
The black pudding here was much more velvety with less oats in it.
Sea Bass, heirloom carrots, dashi, ‘instant noodles’

This dish was really cute, the yellow squiggles are called Instant noodles inspired by the Instant noodle culture in Hong Kong.
Desserts: White chocolate, passion fruit mousse, soda, pineapple ginger beer sherbet

This dessert was amazing especially the ginger beer sorbet, a rare flavour for sorbet which was just like having silky slushy ginger beer.
As for the white chocolate and passion fruit mousse, it was sweet balanced by the tangy fresh pineapple pieces beneath it.
Raspberry and elderflower drink

A nice sweet drink with strong refreshing tones of raspberry complemented by the fragrant sweet taste of elderflower syrup.
Supplementary Information:At Madam Sixty Ate, the prices for the above are:
3 courses for $468, any starter, main and a dessert
4 courses for $528, choose any starter, main, cheese, dessert OR any starter X2, main, dessert

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