
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Fish and chips at an American Diner

Al's Diner (Central)

I have walked past this place so many times and did not notice it.

Came here one late afternoon because the restaurant I wanted to go was closed so came here randomly.

The decor reminded me of Ed's Diner in the UK with duke boxes and American fixtures.

It seemed like it was an old restaurant.

I probably should have ordered milkshake or a burger but I chose Fish and Chips instead.

Fish and chips:

Honestly, the fish did not look appetizing, the batter looked so shiny and oily.

There were also holes in the batter too!

The batter was really weird and almost like a poppadum cracker wrapped round the fish.
It was not even stuck to the fish which was good.
Basically it was just like breaking off a shell on the fish and the batter was just a piece of thin tasty cracker!
As for the fish, I really liked it because it was firm cod that was really flakey.

Finally the chips were disappointing because according to the menu they were meant to be fat chips and these were just potato wedges.


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