
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Modern Sichuan food with style

Yun Yan (Causeway Bay)

This was my first time having high end Sichuan food.
The ones I normally go to are casual and the seating is less comfortable.

Here, the restaurant is really modern with an open dining area.
There is an open kitchen bar for COLD & SHAKE where Sichuan starters and noodles are shaken in cocktail shakers mimicking popular Sichuan snacks served on the streets which are shaken in bags with sauces and spices similar to the Hong Kong bag noodles that used to be popular a while ago.

Translucent beef:
Although there is no picture here, it is definitely worth trying because it is thinly sliced beef similar to beef jerky with a lovely sichuan peppercorn taste with sweetness.
In chinese it is called lantern beef because each slice is so thin that it lets light through almost like a paper lantern.
Beef tongue in wild mushroom oil:

This was not spicy and I loved the chunky cubes of beef tongue complimented by the fragrant wild mushroom oil and crispy black and white sesame seeds.
For a stronger and intense taste you can add more mushroom oil which is on the table too.
The beef tongue was tenders and soft.
Chilled noodles with garlic pork belly:

There were a choice of sichuan white flour noodles, cornflour noodles or buckwheat noodles.
We had the cornflour noodles.
The noodles were refreshingly cool tossed in Sichuan vinaigrette with lots of garlic.
A good option for females wanting a light lunch.
Eight flavour tofu:

This was just fun!
There was a huge slab of tofu accompanied by a choice of condiments ranging from:
pepper powder, chili powder, chili sauce, sichuan style preserved cabbage, scallion, chili oil, garlic puree, sesame oil, black vinegar.

Basically you choose the condiments you like and slap it on the tofu!
The Sichuan peppercorns are not grounded so you have fun grinding it in the bowl and once its done you can really smell and taste how fragrant they are.
Before I tried the condiments with the tofu, I tried the tofu on its own and the soybean taste is really strong.
As well as the fancy condiments, they also had pink Himalayan salt which also tasted good with it.
hot and sour crab meat soup:

The soup had generous pieces of crabmeat in it as you can see.
Unfortunately the soup was too spicy for me, but I loved the Vinegar jelly cubes that you put in the soup which contribute to the sourness of the hot and sour soup.
It is recommended to put 1-2 cubes of vinegar jelly in the soup.
I tried one of the jelly cubes on its own and it was basically vinegar in jelly form.
sauteed prawns in chili garlic sauce:

These prawns were huge and the edges were nice and crispy.
The sauce was rich with lots of finely chopped garlic and chili in it perfect with the meaty springy prawns.
steamed fish head with chili:

Although this looked really spicy but it turned out to be my favourite because the size of the fish head was huge yet the fish was tender and there was lots of collagen in it.
Sichuan house smoked cherry duckling:

This was smoked duck similar to peking duck which came with these super cute scallop shaped buns.
The buns were easily opened in the middle just like scallops were you put the duck in between and sauce.
It was really satisfying having the piping hot bun with smoked duck complemented with the sweet smokey barbecue sauce.
Poached rib eye beef in chili broth:

I have never ordered this before because it looks scarily hot with red chilis floating on top.
Surprisingly it is not as spicy as it looks and rib eye was perfect for this because the texture is really tender with a smooth oily touch to it.
strawberry tofu milkshake :

I loved this tofu milkshake because it was blended with fresh strawberries, the sweetness was just right with the occasional strawberry tartness.
There was a strong soy bean taste too and the tofu that was blended into it contributes to that thickness just like a milkshake.
Panfried glutinous walnut cake:

These glutinous walnut cakes are green because it is made with grounded spinach.
I loved the chewy warm texture and the crunch of walnuts without being too sweet.
It reminded me of the Sticky and heavy Chinese new year cake but tasting much much better!
For icecreams, they even had green bell pepper icecream, Sichuan pepper icecream which were really cool!
I don't mind coming back again and if it wasn't for this tasting I would just assume that all dishes were spicy!

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