
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The ideal and perfect place for pasta

The Pasta Place (Sheung Wan)

I love pasta but at most restaurants they make simple pastas complicated and expensive.
At The Pasta Place I was attracted to their down to earth homely decor.

The menu was simple and straightforward and I liked the manual typewriter font.

At The Pasta Place, the decor was most impressive.

On the walls they have lovely homely wallpaper and they had dado rails known as chair rails on the walls just like the houses in the UK.
They might have them in the US too but I have never been to the US to comment.

On each table there is a lovely red rose and hooks to hang your coats or bags.

In the middle of the restaurant, there is a really nice alcove that hides a toilet!
It looks like a tiny room underneath a staircase but the toilet is quite spacious.

There is sink and mirror outside the toilet in the alcove!

Cute taps!

I would have tried the Lasagne and Mac and Cheese but there were too many choices too choose from.

Anyway, here was what I had:

Rich beef ragu on Tagliatelle pasta $110:

I knew this was going to be good and tasty, each strand was covered uniformly in rich beef ragu sauce.
The beef was minced finely and mixed in well.
Tomato and sweet basil sauce on fresh potato gnocchi:

The portion was huge! I think out of all the gnocchi dishes I have ordered in various restaurants, this plate had the most!
The gnocchi was quite chewy and the tomato sauce was lovely and acidic but lacked the taste of basil.
Roasted pumpkin and sage sauce on fresh spinach and ricotta ravioli:

This was beautifully presented but the sauce lacked connection with the sage because I could only taste pumpkin which was also quite light.
Four sage leaves had been fried and placed on top as decoration.
Other than that, it was a lovely light pasta dish and the ravioli was filled with soft clotted ricotta in the middle contrasted by the gentle sweet pumpkin puree sauce.

I am definitely coming back to try Lasagne and MacNCheese

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