
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The wonder years

那些年炸雞 (Prince Edward)
If your Chinese or Taiwanese, then this snack joint will remind you of the Taiwanese film "You're The Apple Of My Eye".
To me it does not mean anything, and Western school life is so different.
I have attempted to watch this film but I found the first ten minutes really boring and it was in Mandarin so eventually I switched it off.

However, there is a TV series called The Wonder years with Fred Savage that Westerners could probably relate to.

I was attracted to this place because of the pear shaped potato, not because of the film or any memories it could bring.

I was surprised they had vol-au-vonts as well.

To start off, I had the potato croquette and the cheese ball, but it was so nice I had the cheese and sweet corn pie as well.
I have always wanted to try this place but as it was the summer, it was too hot on the streets to appreciate anything piping hot.
After trying it, I was so gutted I didn't try it earlier because I go past that place quite often.
The chicken is probably going to be good but it seems quite difficult eating chicken on the street.
Pear shaped potato croquette $12:

When she gave it to me, she asked if I wanted any tomato sauce but I went without because I wanted to try it on its own.

I was expecting purely potato but I was surprised to find cheese in the middle.
The cheese was heavenly and not the tasteless stringy mozzarella.
The potato tasted like instant mash which is fail proof complimented by the cheese and crispy breadcrumb coating.
It was also impressive that all their fried items did not have a rancid oil taste.
Cheese ball $4:

The cheese ball was delicious but at the same time I did not get any surprises because it tasted the same as the pear shaped croquette.
However if your on a carb diet, then I would recommend the cheese ball because the pear one has more potato.
Cheese and sweetcorn pie $14:

The size of this was slightly smaller than a McDonalds apple pie, and inside it was filled with that gorgeous cheddar cheese and lots of sweetcorn.
The taste was slightly sweeter for the pie because of the sweetcorn which was really juicy and each piece of sweetcorn bursts out with it juices.
Overall, the fried items are impressive and I hope that on my next visit, they will taste consistent.
32 Nullah Lane, Prince Edward
Price: $40
Service: OK
Yummy factor: great
Portion sizes: reasonable
English Menu: Yes

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