
Saturday, March 01, 2014

Just my luck, NOT!!

I've never believed in group buying or even attempted to register an account to buy these things because it does not really work in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, out of most countries is profit orientated while it's mother country is corrupted.
You can just tell how money hungry they are with cosmetic shops selling samples which are meant to be given to customers.
Same with retailers who try and get you to spend over a certain amount to give you a mere worthless discounts or samples that were meant to be free anyway.

They just copy schemes and change the rules beneficial to them such as bonus points which you have to spend it within a certain period or you only get points awarded for spending a pathetic huge amount which the ordinary person does not.
Never have I been deducted in the UK where I have not spent my points.

Most restaurants will increase the prices and make it look like you are getting a good deal through group buying when infact you are just paying the normal price because group buying just guarentees revenue for a restaurant.
Restaurants or companies likely to go bust soon like to take on these schemes.

Anyway, this time I bought the group buy because I had already tried the icecream at the original price for $35 before the $10 group buy deal was introduced.
(minimum of two orders ie $20)
I only got it because it was pathetically cheap and $20 to me is not a lot of money because I often waste more than $20 on shitty food.

The redemption period for this group buy is from 10th of Feb to 31st of March.

I had to wait for the flavours to be rotated because I have already tried the other flavours at full price before the group buy redemption started.

It was very kind of the dessert shop to reply to my enquiry when the new flavours were out so I went there on the 24/2/14.
However when I got there, their kitchen broke down, hence it was closed for the evening.
Luckily, I found a good eatery nearby called Mr. Chef Cafe.

Went back a few days later (28/2/14) and the flavour I wanted was not available and they don't know when it would be available.
Luckily, I stumbled on this new McDonalds with modern decor.

Anyway, my third and last attempt (2/3/14), called and they said they had it but when I got there, there was a sign saying sold out!!
hooray!! time for this negative review!!!

Initially I was going to write a long review combining the paid experience and group buy experience which would feature four flavours:
Sweet potato, Tomato and yoghurt, sweetcorn and salt and some other flavour!!
But anyway, lets just say $20 wasted!!! Because it is wasting my time and money on further visits to TST because I don't go there!~
The Dessert Kitchen (Tsim Sha Tsui)
Price: $20 via group buy
Service: crap
Yummy factor: sold out or not available, so how cud i try!!
Sweetness levels: OK

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