
Sunday, March 02, 2014

The new shrine for Fish and Chips at Mui Wo

Ever since my first random visit to Mui Wo, I have fallen in love with this Island because of its tranquility and wide range of Western restaurants.
My first meal at Mui Wo was at China Bear serving delicious British fare.

On this visit, I was back again for more British fare thanks to SkyTao's review.
I never eat in cooked food markets in Hong Kong but Mui Wo's cooked food market was cleaner than the ones in the City and the ones in urban areas of Hong Kong.

K's British Restaurant is a restaurant that serves REAL AUTHENTIC British food and I love Karina's British pride because she even wears a T-shirt with the Union Jack.

This paragraph is quoted from Prestige magazine which was ABSOLUTELY spot on:
Lovers of fish and chips in Hong Kong had much to mourn about when the last purveyor of the pukka item in Town, the chippy closed a year ago or so.
Thankfully, K's British Restaurant is here to the rescue!!!
This new STAR is going to bring tourism to Mui Wo or send expats moving there!
The traffic and accessability is much better than Sai Kung.
Well at least I am tempted.....

I took the Fast Ferry to MW, got off the ferry and the Cooked food market was on the right hand side.
It was an odd feeling walking into the cooked food market because I never do that in Hong Kong.
I was greeted by this lovely restaurant with chequered tablecloths.

The restaurant was simple and it felt like those cafes in East London.
If you havent read SkyTao's review, this restaurant is easily missed because the Chinese name belonging to the previous restaurant is still there but since I read the reviews I spotted it right away by the tablecloths.

Cod and chips:

OMG! The battered cod and chips were just OMG!
The cod was succulent and flakey with a uniform batter and the chips were sensational!
This is how a model chip should be, it was fat, with a shiny surface and when you bite into it, the inside of the chip was silky just like molten starchy lava.
Basically the texture of the starchy lava was like velvety thick cream with a slighty chewy soft chip skin.
Eating it piping hot when it is just served tastes the best, if you leave it for a while, the chips get a little bit firmer.
You could smell the gorgeous spud smell just like baked potatoes when it was just served.
Pollock and Shoe string chips:

As well as cod, I tried the pollock paired with shoe string chips because they are hand cut by them as well.
For the shoe string chips they taste so good piping hot so you have to eat them as fast as you can because when they cool down, the texture is firmer and not so fragrant but it still tastes good.
Pollock is another fish similar to cod, it is used in fish fingers and fish burgers.
The fried pollock was also to die for, I regretted not ordering the large portion that had three pieces.
It was different to the cod because the texture of this fish is much softer and silkier and melts in your mouth!
Mushy peas and bread:

The portion of mushy peas was generous! It was a bit heavy but I liked it.
It was a nice mix of mushed and whole peas.
As well as the peas, stuffing the chips in the bread was amazing because these were authentic chips perfect for making a yummy butty, not to mention putting delicious fish into it as well.
Chili con carne:

The chili con carne was really nice, it was a little too spicy for me but it tasted really authentic.
It was seriously good with chips or rice.
I would have liked the kidney beans to be softer and the sauce to be thicker.
Roast spring chicken:

The chicken was really good, roasted nicely and dressed with lots of herbs.
bangers and mash (Kids):

The mash was lumpy which was good, because some places serve instant mash!
It was lovely and buttery and the pork sausage juices gave the mash an extra depth in taste while the texture of the sausage was soft and meaty.
broccoli and leek quiche:

The quiche had a nice firm flakey pastry and there were lots of broccoli with a nice cheesy taste balanced by the egg.
Steak and Kidney pie:

There were two other pies that were worth trying and I couldn't decide between the chicken and mushroom, minced beef and onion and this one.
In the end of I got the steak and kidney which had a lovely pastry again filled with rich strong gravy and pungent pieces of kidney.

The tea was served in a Chinese tea pot and the cups they used were those thick rimmed tea cups that you get in chaa chan tengs.
You will notice a difference if your used to thin rimmed cups.
Somehow they reminded me of the cups at BHS and Littlewood's cafeteria except the shape of the cup was different.
But anyway, it was British tea so it was the perfect quencher to go with fish and chips.
Custard with banana:

I was elated to see custard on the menu.
Custard is so simple to make and I don't know why places don't have REAL custard.
Normally I have custard with pudding or on its own, but here it is served with fresh banana which was really nice.
It was banana on top of custard with melted cane sugar.
The custard had a lovely creamy consistency and it was piping hot and not too sweet complimented by the fresh bananas.

Anyway, I am now hooked on their food and I wish they would open another branch in Central.
If the ferry was cheaper, I would be here more often!

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