
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lime soda with black truffle

Went past this restaurant ages ago in the evening but they didn't serve the noodle sets.

This time I went past they were serving it.

They actually specialize in hot pots which seem quite cheap compared to other places.

As well as the food, the drinks were INTERESTING! This is probably the first place in Hong Kong to have black truffle with soda!!

The decor in the restaurant is quite nice.

They make their own chili sauce which costs $5x per jar.

Vermicelli with chicken in wine:

To be honest, the wine was not strong enough but the broth was full of chicken flavour and yellow chicken oil which made it rich and tasty with the noodles.
I also overheard that the chicken skin contains no fat but I did not try it because I don't like the taste and texture of fatty things.
Anyway, I will try their hotpots next time because their herbal one smelt pretty strong.
Black truffle and lime soda:

This was interesting because black truffle in the drink was quite nice with 7up/sprite with a hint of savoriness.
I would prefer black truffle with soda water because I don't really drink flavoured fizzy drinks but because it was black truffle, I had to try it.
The Chinese and English name didn't quite match because the Chinese said that it had salted lemon but in English, it just said that it was black truffle and lime soda.
Anyway, I hope to try it again with soda water and salted lemon because the salted lemon would definitely make it nicer.
G/F, 17 Man Nin Street, Sai Kung

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