
Monday, July 07, 2014

Udon in rich crab sauce at Donka

Ever since GF recommended this place, I have always wanted to go but couldn't because they don't open on weekends and it is located on the 11th Floor which puts me off.

Basically any restaurant above the 1st floor will not be high on my priority list because I can't be bothered to wait for elevators going there and on the way out.

According to the reviews, the service is cha chaan teng style at fine dining price.

I got there at an odd hour, so there were no customers throughout my meal.

The service was reasonable because they were not busy, but the staff were rather noisy because they had trouble with their phone so they kept shouting to whoever was on the other end.

The decor was simple and reasonably comfortable.

The menu had Japanese and Chinese fusion dishes starting at $98.

I chose the udon in crab sauce as planned.
Udon with crab sauce:

The udon was nicer than anticipated because they served the thin Inaiwa type which was extremely al-dente.
It was richly covered in orange crab sauce which was enough to finish the whole bowl of udon, but I found it a bit too salty and there was quite a fair bit of grounded pork fat, other than that, I loved the chunks of crab which did not have any annoying bits of crab shell.
There was vinegar too which was supposed to enhance the taste but I found it too sweet to do any good.
The udon was $148 but with the 10% on top, it came to a whopping $16X which was rather pricey for a bowl of udon which does not include a starter or soup.

It came with a drink but the choice could have been better because for Japanese and Chinese fusion I would have expected a choice for Japanese tea but it was only the local chachaanteng choices ie lemon tea, HK style tea or Coffee which I don't drink.

11/F, 11 Stanley St., Central

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