
Friday, August 15, 2014

A fiesta of cakes for summer at 2/3 Dolci

Summer is good because of vibrant colours and refreshing food.

On this visit, tried the new summer range.

Passiflora :

This was beautifully layered with bright orange meringue contrasted with a ruby red jelly on top which is made from blood orange.

Dolci's cakes are all about layering, the bottom layer is blood orange meringue, then a layer of thin white chocolate, passionfruit cream with passionfruit cake in the middle, then blood orange meringue, a layer of white chocolate and orange bloody jelly on top.
The taste of this was really fresh because the passionfruit cream was acidic balanced by the sweet white chocolate layer and the citrus tones from the meringue.
Millefogile :

This was layers of flakey pastry with dreamy vanilla cream in the middle that was not too sweet paired with fresh berries on top.

At first, I thought it was going to be a coffee or chocolate cake by its appearance.
The name of the cake Daisy was nice and elegant and shaped like a flower.

It had bergamot jelly in the middle which gave it a touch of citrus.
Tea lovers will love this cake because of the bergamot and strong tasting Earl grey mousse with soft cake in the middle.
The Earl grey mousse was balanced perfectly because it was light and silky as well as having a natrual fragrant taste.
This is a definite must try because it is different to other Earl grey cakes and the Earl grey taste really comes through.

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