
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Great instant noodles in a Chinese roast shop

Discovered this place a while ago when I was dining at a restaurant nearby.

I was captivated by their instant noodles so dined there.

As well as instant noodles, they also have other interesting combinations such as roast pork and luncheon meat (spam)!!


The soup was too salty for my liking.
Instant noodles and roast pork:

The instant noodles were surprisingly good because they were al-dente with a strong sesame oil taste, however the roast pork was disappointing because it was too dry.

Roast pork, luncheon meat with rice:

The roast pork was from the same batch as above, so it was dry and hard but the luncheon meat was just the usual stuff which tasted nice.
I havent tried their other roast items but it was a little disappointing that the roast from a roast specialist was not as good as anticipated..
The bill: $83

Service: OK
Service charge: no
Yummy factor: Could be better
MSG levels: slight
English Menu: no
Air Conditioning: Yes

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