
Monday, September 15, 2014

Theatre of tapas by Pedro Sampler

The Tapa showcase begins with Chef Pedro Samper of the Basque Country whizzing his magic in the open bar kitchen.

If you think this is good, there is CUATRO MANOS - TWO CHEFS~~ 8 tapa menu from the creative minds of Pedro Samper and Jordi Valles of Catalunya. Available on the 17th and 18th September for $560 with 10% service charge on top.

Here was our personalised Theatre of tapas prepared by Chef Pedro Samper.

Each tapas was like an act from plays with different scenes.
First act: Los Aperitvos
Watermelon sangria

The watermelon was so refreshing with sangria infused in it, the melon had sweeter tones.
It oozed out with alcoholic infused juices when you ate them tasting like sangria.

Olives, anchovies and Vermouth

Delicious big olives soaked in Vermouth which were juicy with a salty touch from anchovies and a bitter kick from the Vermouth.

Pistachio, foie gras and mango lollipops

The foie gras was extremely silky covered in delicious crushed pistachio which had a nutty and buttery taste.

Second Act: Las Verduras y Mariscos
Red prawn carpaccio, ajoblanco, apple and pine nuts

This was amazing, the red prawns have a strong unami lobster prawn taste and it was visually stunning to watch Pedro patiently garnish it with passion.

Cucumber, king crab, sour cream, capers

Next was the cucumber which looked like a caterpiller filled with fresh crab with a creamy taste.

Marinated salmon and hokkaido scallop ceviche, avocado egg and crab caviar
This was wonderful and simple.

Lobster, spanish ox heart tomato, fresh almonds, gazpacho

The gazpacho was refreshing and had a pretty shade of blush orange.

The lobster chunks were fresh and meaty.
Third actL La Tierra
-xixa hori – chantarelles, 63 degree C egg, potato and black truffle

This was sensational because eggs and mushrooms are always great together especially the runny yolk mixed with the mushrooms and a luxurious hint of black truffle.

24 hour slow cooked ox tail, celery root, green peas, smoked eggplant
The ox tail looked interesting because it was shaped into a block yet the texture was soft and effortless to eat.

free range chicken stuffed with prunes, bacon and shiitake mushrooms
This reminded me of Christmas with turkey, bacon and cranberries.

The chicken was gorgeous with appetizing prunes and smokey bacon.
fourth act: la fiest
Mojito and white peach

I loved the refreshing slush at the bottom which was sweet and soothing and the peach sorbet on top was fragrant.

Torrija and orange

This was my favourite because the blood orange sorbet had a really strong citrus flavour and the Torrija was soft and sweet dusted in delicious cinammon sugar.

Coffee, chocolate and baileys
These were huge pieces of chocolate with velvety filling shaped like a huge coffee bean.
A great ending to dinner with hot tea.

The above dishes were cooked by pedro sampler
Basement, 43-55 Wyndham St., Central

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