
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pirate ship in the high skies

Before I went there I was excited about the view because it is on the top floor of 239 Hennessey Road.
When I arrived I was greeted with some great views of Wan Chai and Causeway Bay which reminded me of Azure in Central.
The decor was rustic and grand.

On the top floor it is a classy bar where you can have drinks and some bites before going downstairs to the restaurant.

After drinking a glass of bubbly we went downstairs to have dinner.

Here was what we had:

[b]Vitello tonnato:[/b]
veal, tuna, capers, mayonnaise, sicilian caper berries
Started off with a well-known Italian cold dish of sliced veal covered with a creamy, mayonnaise-like sauce that has been flavored with tuna.
It was creamy and had a strong tuna taste with tender thin veal slices beneath it.

[b]arancini bucket:[/b]
Arancini are fried rice balls stuffed with mozzarella and served with tomato sauce.
They are called Arancini because the orange appearance makes them look like small oranges hence arancini because oranges are called Arancia in Italian.
They were quite fun to eat with stringy cheese in the middle but I would have liked a stronger tasting cheese.
[b]cheese selection:[/b]
Gorgonzola, Parmesan, Fontina , Pecorino
This was a nice selection of cheese ranging from soft to hard.
[b]tagliatelle with Sicilian red prawns and zucchini :[/b]
The pasta was classic, each strand was covered in delicious sauce with pieces of fresh prawns and chunks of juicy zucchini.
The pasta is freshly made using their pasta machine and the texture is soft but still al-dente.
[b]purple potato gnocchi :[/b]
The gnocchi was creative because they used purple potatoes to give it a blueish purple colouring.
They were fluffy with a nice chew to it flavoured by the strong cheese sauce.
[b]the butchers cut :[/b]
flank steak tagliata, rocket, cherry tomatoes
Flawless sweet and juicy tender beef!
After having a satisfying dinner, we started on dessert.
[b]Crushed chocolate and dry nuts semifreddo:[/b]
Semifreddo is a semi-frozen desserts that has an interesting frozen mousse texture.
It was loaded with nuts and crushed chocolate which tasted divine!
[b]panna cotta:[/b]
homemade raspberry coulis with fresh raspberry
Lastly we finished off with Panna cotta which I found a bit too sweet and the panna cotta was a bit too firm for my liking.

Overall the food and environment was good so I plan to try lunches next.

30F Hennessey Road
Wan Chai

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