
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Green tea softserve at Arome Bake + Drink

Discovered this place because I saw people walking past eating green softserves.
When I got near the escalators I discovered a new branch of Arome Bake + Drink.

There was a crowd and the queue was disorderly.

When I was next, this other guy tried to push in but luckily the guy in front told the staff that I was supposed to be next.
Most of the stuff was sold out so I just got the green tea softserve for $29.
Soft cream+:

It was a big cone but I managed to finish it all because it tasted really nice, the green tea flavour and bitterness was not that strong with a sweet creamy taste.
Photos of place:

The bill: $29

The bill: $29
Service: OK, but they could have had a better queue management.
Service charge: no
Yummy factor: ok
Sweetness levels: just right
Napkins provided: yes
Portion sizes: big
English Menu: Yes

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