
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Consistently good at La Saison by Jacques Barnachon

La Saison means “season” in English so you would expect exquisite food all year round with the menu designed by Jacques Barnarchon, Michelin-starred executive chef of L’Etang du Moulin in France.
He has been working alongside various top-notch chefs including Philippe Gobet, a pastry chef of Michelin three-star restaurant managed by Joel Rebouchon.
Jacques was first featured in the 1996 Michelin Guide with a “two forks” rating.
Before I brag about how delicious the food was, La Saison is one of the few French dining restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui and seeing Benny Li 李純恩 dining there last year, what more can I say!!!
This is my second time there and the food was consistent as the first visit so I think it deserves a comment on tripadvisor.
Assorted bread:

Started off with assorted bread which was yeasty and delicious with a choice of salted or non salted butter.
The salted butter made the bread taste delicious hence I finished the bread quickly.
Amuse Bouche:

The amuse bouche really aroused my appetite because it was far more delicious than other amuse bouches I have tried.
It just clicked with me because the cheese puff had a decent cheesy taste and the other one with salmon had a gorgeous cheesy biscuit base.
Leek and potato:

The leek and potato gazpacho was like potato in concentrated form hence it had a strong potato taste with crisp thin potato slices.

blue lobster lobster with green tea jelly:

The lobster dish was really pretty with a layer of green tea jelly with cod roe equally spaced on the edges and lobster resting in the middle.
The sweet lobster and green tea jelly blended together perfectly.
Tomato gazpacho with marinated cucumber and fennel served with red pepper sorbet

The gazpacho was refreshing and appetizing while the red pepper sorbet awakens your appetite.
Steamed sea bream with tomato confit and rabbit mustard sauce:

The fish was delicate and silky with a perfect slice of crispy sea bream fish skin on top paired with an interesting rabbit mustard sauce that had a unami aftertaste.
Black Angus beef tenderloin with seasonal vegetables morel mushrooms on beef juice served with mashed potatoes:

Before I describe the taste, you can see how perfect the tenderloin was.
It was uniformly seared with a juicy red centre that was soft and juicy.
This was exactly how it tasted a year ago!
There were lots of morel mushrooms which you mix in the mashed potatoes for a fantastic taste.
Raspberry souffle with vanilla ice cream:

Finished off with the raspberry souffle which actually had real raspberries blended into it, hence the natrual taste.
apple tart with apple sorbet:

The apple tart was flakey with crisp sweet apple slices.

Finished off with Earl Grey tea which was aromatic and strong.

Ended the meal with petit fours.

Let's see if I am third time lucky next year!
See you in 2016.

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