
Sunday, November 26, 2017

[Kee Wah Studio] Hong Kong traditional pastry making passed on

Kee Wah is a traditional family operated company with modern management that strives to preserve the long tradition of Chinese pastries.
All year round, Kee Wah Bakery is renowned for its bakeries and festive products.
Their products make good souvenirs and comfort treats for overseas Chinese or anyone who wants to try traditional Chinese pastries.

Kee Wah Bakery has launched the "Kee Wah Studio” in October 2017, allowing Hong Kong people and tourists to understand more about Hong Kong history and local pastry culture. The traditional Hong Kong pastry-making classes are taught by experienced instructors. Locals and tourists can participate and make their own traditional pastries and breads in this extraordinary location. To make it more meaningful, they can also share the finished products with their family and friends.

The studio along with the tea room is located on 188 Queen's road in a building built in the 1930s which is recognized as a Grade III historic building by the Antiquities and Monuments Office in Hong Kong.
On the ground floor is the bakery shop.

Recently I attended a Chinese preserved sausage bun class at Kee Wah Studio where I learnt how the steamed bun was made.

It was really fun making it traditionally and then giving it a modern twist.

Here are my finished buns!!

I definitely recommend this class because once you learn how to make the steamed bun you can apply it to other Chinese steamed buns and add some creativity to it.

Other fun classes include festive cookies, egg tarts, cocktail bun, Winter melon pastry and more.

There is a 10% off  when you enrol for classes at Kee Wah studio with code [KW10%OFF_supersupergirl] !! Offer expires 31/12/17
*推廣優惠碼 [奇華工作坊]: KW10%OFF_supersupergirl*
- 於奇華工作坊網上報名時,只要輸入以上推廣優惠碼,即可享有九折優惠
- 以上優惠適用於奇華工作坊所有課程
- 優惠適用日期由即日起至2017年12月31日

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