
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Di King Heen Deluxe Poetries Cuisine

In every language you will find beautiful poetry.
I am so fortunate to be in the 21st Century as all these Chinese poems have been translated into English and are readily online when you google them.

At  Di King Heen, they are now serving  Deluxe Poem inspired Cantonese dishes featuring various poets from the Tang Dynasty.

Here were the dishes we had:
[The dish names are exactly what they are from the menu]

Started with the [Braised Gum Tragacanth Soup with Diced Seafood and Snow Crab Meat] which is inspired by poet Liu Changqing 劉長卿 for his poem Lodging on Lotus Hill for a Snowy Night《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》
It was a really nice soup with lots of crabmeat and Braised Gum Tragacanth which definitely make you think of snow.

Next was the [Marinated Osmanthus Wine with Fresh Abalone, Suckling Pig Trotter, Wagyu Beef Cheek] inspired by poet Li Bai 李白 for his poem Drinking Alone Under the Moon《月下獨酌. 其一》
It was a nice appetizer as they were all marinated in wine interpreted by the Drinking in the poem.
The suckling pig trotter was my favorite as it was delicate and gelatinous.

[Braised Twins Tofu with Fungi and Burdock] is inspired by poet Wang Zhihuan 王之渙 for his poem On the Stork Tower《登鸛雀樓》
It was a nice meatless dish with silky and supple tofu.

[Sweet and Sour Tiger Prawns with Fig and Pineapple] is inspired by poet Tang Yanqian 唐彥謙《索蝦 (節錄)》
Obviously, the prawn was the star of the dish tossed in this deliciously fruity sauce.

Next was the [Golden-fried Pumpkin and Soft Sell Crab with Salted Egg Yolk] inspired by poet Du Qiumian 杜秋娘 for his poem Robes Made of Golden Threads《金縷衣》hence the salted egg yolk coating being the golden robe.
I loved this dish because I love anything that is coated in crispy salted egg yolk.
The [Roasted Chicken with Assorted Mushroom and Black Truffle Sauce] was inspired by poet 孟浩然 Meng Haoran for his poem Spring Dawn《春曉》which is all about spring and birds singing hence the chicken!!
The last course [Fried Five Grain Rice with Diced Scallop and Assorted Vegetables and Oatmeal] is inspired by poet Li Shen for 李紳 for his poem Sympathy for Peasants《憫農》which talks about how difficult every grain of rice is harvested hence we should appreciate every grain of rice.
It was a nice dinner with all these poetry inspired dishes.
The current Deluxe Poetries Set menu:

We also had the [Lion Rock X HABA Purity of Hokkaido Afternoon Tea] which is a crossover with HABA Skincare, a brand that is fragrance and additives free.
In the tea set you get Baked Hokkaido Scallop with Urchin Paste, Hokkaido Snow Crab Meat and Cheese Roll, Pan-fried Shrimp Cake with Roasted Sweet Corn and Yuzu Soy Sauce, Deep-fried Chicken with Yogurt, Seven Spices and Muffin, Barbecue Beef Vol Au Vent with Pumpkin Puree, Sapporo Ramen with Ginger Miso Soup (2 persons), l Hokkaido Melon Mousse Cake, l Sweet Potato Cake, l Double Cheese Cake Roll, l Hokkaido Pumpkin Caramel Custard, l Baked Cheese Tart and l Tokachi Red Bean and Green Tea White Chocolate Mousse Cake.

All the items were fancy and fun especially the mini bowls of ramen as one of them is actually a dessert while the other one is ramen!!
The Lion Rock Purity of Hokkaido Afternoon Tea is available from now until June 30, 2018.

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