
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

[Oggi] Interesting calculation

I love Gnocchi so went there specifically for that, however it was sold out so I had to choose something else. This also happened in another restaurant nearby so gnocchi must be very popular or very unpopular in Tinhau.

Anyway, ordered the mussels for in creamy white wine sauce $85.

It was very sweet and creamy with a white wine aftertaste.
Since I had the mussels I ordered the chips baked with cheese $52 as chips and mussels go well together.

The texture was a bit strange because they were fried and then baked.
The cheese tasted like they put butter/margarine on it as well.
For desserts had the baked marshmallow with icecream $43 which was on a layer of non sweetened cornflakes.

It was simply delicious and reminds me of those homemade gooey chewy marshmallow crisps using marshmallow and rice crispies.
The bill was quite strange as I was expecting it to be $198 , ie 43 + 85 + 52 = 180, then with 10% service charge it should be $198.

Anyway, quite puzzled how they got $201 according to the menu.

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