
Friday, November 26, 2021

Mussel Dolma and Istanbul Street food specialists at The Midyeci

I stumbled upon The Midyeci which turned out to be a Turkish gem when I was going to the ramen shop.
It got my attention because they were selling mussels and it wasn't French moule frites.
When I went inside, I was greeted with a cabinet of mussels but I couldn't quite make out what cuisine it was as everything was new to me.
After asking the lady, she said it was Turkish so I was really delighted because it was so different to your usual doner, kofte and pide etc.
Looking at the menu, the dolma midyeci is obviously the signature and they had so much to choose from like mackerel sandwich/wrap, grilled mussel burger/wrap, fried seafood (calamari, prawns and mussels) which are all Istanbul street foods.
You can really trust this place serves authentic Turkish foods by the Turkish diners in there.

I was offered a Midye dolma [stuffed mussel] to try and it just tasted amazing with a few drops of fresh lemon.
How did they even stuff them because you open them like regular mussels and they are already stuffed with rice while the mussel scallop is still attached to the shell!!
After asking them, it turns out that they buy them when they are alive, then they painstakingly open them one by one and stuff them with half cooked rice and steam them.

In the end, I got the grilled mussels burger which is a mussel patty with lettuce and pickles and cheese.
I mean how often do you see a mussel burger on the menu, the closest thing I have tried is an oyster burger.
While I was waiting, my attention was on the pink jar of water filled evidently with pickles and not fruit/veg like your regular detox water.
As a foodie, I asked for some and I was blown away how good it was because it was so moreish with a garlicky taste without being too salty or sharp!
I could literally down a whole pint because it is that good!

Moving on to the mussel burger, it was served with some pickles which were a delight because their pickles are amazing.
The mussel burger patty was brilliant, it had lots of chopped mussels in it which you could taste as they have a spring texture.
Although it was a little salty I really liked it and there were some crispy bits in the patty which I couldn't work out what it was.
Revisited again for Midye dolma and had the set this time where I got a side portion of fried mussels.
The fried mussels were amazing and you can really taste how fresh they are.
Also tried the calamari which was disappointing because it was minced calamari reformed into rings.
The midye dolma was definitely worth coming back for because you have this really moreish spicy rice inside the mussels.
Overall, I would really recommend this place for the Midye dolma, mussel burger and pickled juice.
They also have Salgam (fermented carrot and turnip) which I will definitely try next time.

The Midyeci
505 Kingsland Rd, London E8 4AU

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