
Thursday, December 02, 2021

Tempura Brussel Sprouts & Gingerbread softserve (vegan) at Marugame

Time flies and it is almost Christmas!
Since the opening of the Liverpool Street branch of Marugame, they already have a second branch at the O2 as well as an upcoming branch just round the corner of Oxford Street near Liberty.
For Christmas, Marugame have launched two new festive items: the tempura Brussels Sprouts and the vegan gingerbread softserve.

You either love or hate sprouts, I'm ok with them so I made a special visit to try the tempura sprouts.
Without further ado, I tried the tempura sprouts.
I wasn't sure how they would turn out because normally you have to blanch them for a while or else the texture would be really hard.
Interestingly the tempura sprouts were not that hard in terms of texture but soft with a firmness and they did not have any bitterness so they were quite nice on their own or with some mayonnaise.

I was iffy about getting the gingerbread softserve because the matcha one I had on the last visit wasn't to my liking so I asked if I could get a sample before paying for it and I was given the biggest sample you could ever imagine!
So to conclude with my super taste buds, the gingerbread softserve was quite nice which I will leave for the next visit. 

While I was dining there, I suddenly noticed some similarities between Japanese Tempura and English chippies.
In English chippies, things are battered and fried which is the same as tempura and with chippies they have chip scraps which is similar to tempura scraps!
Then at the chippies we have pickled eggs and gherkins and the Japanese have pickled ginger!
The scraps are a good way of telling if their frying oil is clean because you can tell from the taste.

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