
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Free plant based burger at the Tindle Sides pop up in SOHO

TiNDLE is a Singapore based chicken alternative which can already be found in Hong Kong.
They are finally in the UK offering free burgers for three days at a popup in SOHO.
The meat alternative is made of texturized soy protein and wheat gluten.
What's good about this alternative is that it can be cooked in different ways.
I went along to the popup and tried their burger.
The queue was fasting moving and I got some free merch as well.
Overall, the chicken alternative was not bad but I felt that the texture was a bit mushy and it is similar to the early meat alternatives like Seitan and gluten offered in Hong Kong where the texture is stringy and soft.
However, it tastes really good served in a burger with sauces.

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