
Friday, May 13, 2022

Bagel Breakfast Block Party by The New York Bakery Co

If you visit the supermarker regularly, you will be familiar with bagels from The New York Bakery Co which offers New York style bagels.
I love it when they come out with limited edition bagels such as the pumpkin spice which was amazing!!!
Recently, they had a Bagel Breakfast party in Shoreditch which was so much fun!
I was so lucky to get a ticket and experience that amazing event which was filled with activities as well as free bagels.
Bagels on offer that day were salmon, pastrami, bacon & egg and a vegetarian option.
I tried the pastrami and salmon which were both equally as good but pastrami with saukeraut had to be my favourite.
As well as the filling being good, the star of the show had to be the chewy bagel.
Overall, if you haven't tried these bagel you should definitely try them as they are readily available at the supermarkets.

Previous review on the Pumpkin Spice bagel:
Cinnamon Raison Bagel Review:

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