
Saturday, September 03, 2022

Discovering the real taste of Brazil at the Casa Brasil festival

After the success of Casa Brasil festival in New York, they are now in London at Covent Gardens where they aim to show Londoners the best of Brazil.
At the festival, you get to experience Brazilian cusine, fruits and know more about their lifestyle.
I was so lucky to attend the Brazilian beef demonstation as well as sample the famous Acai sorbet and learn more about Cassava which appears in many of their dishes.
At the beef demonstation, we got to sample dishes.
My favourite cut was surprisingly the cupim which is used in many Brazilian dishes because of its fat meat ratio where the meat is lovely and delicate.
Once it is cooked, the fat melts away leaving silky strands of meat.
Now a camel has two big humps, imagine how good that would be!
If you google it, camel hump turns out to be the ultimate delicacy.
They also had a good showcase of fruits however it would be even better if they included more exotic items like caju and caja.
Overall, I really enjoyed the Casa Brasil festival and hope to see them again next year.

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