
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Festive Swedish Turkey Meatballs at Pure Foods

I always see Pure around in London but have never tried it until now!
They specialize in healthy fast food much like Leon Restaurants.
The Swedish turkey meatballs looked good with the peas and cranberry sauce so I ended up trying it.
Strangely I couldn't find any meatballs in the bowl so I wonder if they forgot the meatballs or there were none left in the pot at the end of the day.
The meatball sauce was delicious and full of mushrooms which tasted a bit like stroganoff not so creamy and the cranberry sauce was a good one as it was not sweet. The peas were to my liking as they were tender and sweet that they pop in your mouth.
Also, on the festive menu is the parsnip soup.

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