
Sunday, December 25, 2022

All day breakfast langos from Langos Royale

I've tried a few Langos stalls, so I thought I'd try this one for comparison.
In terms of price, it has to be the cheapest at 3.99 possibly because it was not in London.
Anyway, the toppings were slightly different and there were some modern choices like all day breakfast and sweet options.
I tried the classic which I thought was the tastiest.
The all day breakfast had egg which is a bit like a thin omelette and the colour of the egg looked strange as it was brownish.
Topped with bacon and spring onions.
Overall, the langos was nice but I felt that the langos was on the thin side like a thin crust pizza compared to the other stalls I have tried.
The guy at the stall spoke really good English and was quite handsome.

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